A locate file button will appear in the lower left. STEP FOUR: Go to any of the Identity Plate editors (in the Print Module, Slideshow, etc.) and when the Editor appears, click on “Use a graphical identity plate” (as seen above). Go to Save As, and when the Save As window appears, down at the bottom where you choose the file format, choose PNG (as shown here), then click Save. STEP THREE: The key to keeping the transparency in your file, as it comes into Lightroom, is to save it in the right format. Didn’t except to be learning so much Photoshop today now, did ya? 🙂
Now, while your logo is still selected, press Option-Delete (Windows: Alt-Backspace) to fill your logo with solid white. Now press “x” to make white your foreground color. Now, press the letter “d” on your keyboard to set your Foreground/Background colors to their defaults. You’ll see selection perfectly snap-to your logo. Hold the Command-key (Windows: Ctrl-key) and hit the up-arrow key once on your keyboard, and then hit the down arrow key once. If that didn’t do the trick, try this — put a rectangular selection around your entire logo. NOTE: If you want to have your logo appear reversed in white (so you can place it over any color background), press Command-I (Windows: Ctrl-I) to invert the image. To make sure you get them all, go under the Select Menu and choose Similar to select all the white areas in your entire layer, then hit the Delete (Windows: Backspace) key, and now, if all goes well, your logo will be on a transparent background like the one you see above. In many cases, that’s as simple as clicking the Magic Wand tool on a white area of the background to select most, if not all, of the white areas. If you do this, and you still see a white background behind your logo, that means your logo has a white background embedded into the logo image itself, and you’ll have to remove it manually. That leaves your logo sitting on a transparent background (as seen here). STEP TWO: Now, go to the Layers panel and drag the Background layer into the trash can at the bottom of the Layers panel. Open a new document, and then use the Place command (under the File menu) to bring in your logo, so it appears on its own layer above the background layer (as shown here). STEP ONE: We have start over in Photoshop.
Here’s a tip on how to bring your logo into Lightroom (so you can use it in slideshows, or as an identity plate, or Watermark, or for the title of a slideshow, or whatever), but with a transparent background behind it (that’s the cool part).