Persona revelations walkthrough gamefaqs
Persona revelations walkthrough gamefaqs

However, you may miss a smaller objective on your first playthrough, but you can delay it until the second playthrough to complete the game 100%. If you get behind on a Social Link, you can still move on and have time to max them all. If this is your first time playing this game, this guide will have minor spoilers, but no major story spoilers. Its not absolutely necessary to play the game first, but it may enhance your enjoyment of the game. If this is your first playthrough, I would recommend playing the game on your own terms first, before trying to 100% this game.

persona revelations walkthrough gamefaqs

The hardest dungeon to do this on is the first dungeon. The easiest way to complete the dungeons in one day is to avoid every normal encounter and only fight Golden Hands. I will be playing on Normal difficulty, as I find the challenge just right. This guide assumes that you complete every dungeon in one day. This guarantees bonus points whenever you encounter that Social Link to max them out as soon as possible. Starting on 4/18, you must always have a Persona of the matching arcana as the Social Link you are hanging out with (except for Rank1 and Rank 10).

persona revelations walkthrough gamefaqs

Not following the advice in this section will result in falling behind the walkthrough. These all are really, really important tips and tricks to follow the guide as precisely as possible. This is a brief summary of everything to be aware of while following this walkthrough.

Persona revelations walkthrough gamefaqs